A Matter Of Faith Torrent
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Let us observe the particular ages in which thecontemplative life has been most rife. It seemsto be the most ancient ages which have been, for theGreek Fathers, who found no leisure in their lives topractise the spiritual life, could only live anddie in the flesh. The contemplative life began then,and it is very certain that it was by the impulse ofthe Holy Spirit; but it was a contemplative lifeonly, for the Christians of that period were a timeworn people, and they could not live in theworld, because they had no life in the world. Thespies of the prophets were their only companionsand the only witnesses of the Christian faith.
So my friend, you know well enough that I amsaying what is true, and if you do not know it, Iam sure that you soon will, if you will but make useof your free will. For, now, you are convinced ofthe great power of our Heavenly Father, and youknow you have nothing else to hope for, and youknow you have nothing else to fear; and I assureyou, at the same time, that all the benefits whichyou have received from God, and which are not anew, but which are eternal, will be rendered toyou and to all the holy faithful, and to all thenations, and whatever it may be, with the samecertainty, the same force, and the same abundance thatwas given to St. Francis de Sales in the holyParaclete. Amen.
[p 125]Since we are not yet arrived at the end ofthe torrent which we have been describing, and,the depth of the fall having been augmented inso short a time, we cannot be sure that it isaugmented to the extent that we have said; for thewater running down from the mountain-tops to thelake remains still less agitated than thatwhich runs from the river, seeing that thewater from the latter is lost and diluted whileit runs down the former. [p 126] On the contrary, themore the fall augments, the more the water isunrestrained, and the more it is agitated; andso, even when it has fallen to a very great depth,it continues running; for the greater the quantityof water which it carries, the more violent itbecomes.
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