Adventuring Party S01 - A Crown Of Candy
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Main Characters In General All Deaths Final: None of the cast have plot armor - if and when their characters die (and they do) those characters stay dead. Anthropomorphic Food: Sir Theobald and Chancellor Lapin are a walking, talking gummy bear and chocolate bunny, respectively. Anti-Hero: After exposure to the cruel world of political intrigue, pretty much all of them have developped a ruthless side. This ranges from merely Good Is Not Soft behaviour, like Theobald, to excessive shows of violence and cruelty, like Liam. Author Avatar: In the Adventuring Parties for A Crown of Candy, the players talk a bit about their relationships to the characters: King Amethar, in contrast with Kingston Brown, represents Lou Wilson's worst qualities according to him, explaining why despite being a loving and caring father and a good friend, the story frames him as a tragic character. Siobhan Thompson has said that Ruby Rocks was the most accurate to her real life self, rather than Adaine, who has diverged significantly from her. Theobald was said to be an aspirational self-insert by Murph, due to his lawful and honourable nature, and the most accurate representation of him by the rest of the team. Amazing Technicolor Population: The four humanoid characters among the party are of varying candy colored complexions: King Amethar and Ruby (bright pink), Princess Jet (purple-gray) and Liam (lavender). Sir Theobald also counts, being a dark red gummy bear. Noble Fugitive: After Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica drops the bombshell that King Amethar never legally annulled the marriage from his first wife and therefore had no real claim to the throne, the Bulbian church and the Concord declared war on Candia and the party have been forced to go on the run. Red Baron: One of Amethar's titles is \"The Unfallen\", in reference to him being the only survivor of the Rocks heirs during the Ravening War. This title is even more appropriate after the ridiculous number of assassination attempts he shrugs off as a king. Liam earns the title of \"Master of Arrows\" from Saccharina, after witnessing his truly monstrous abilities in battle as an archer. Saccharina has the honour of harbouring three of them: \"Enemy of the Faith\", due to her status as the High Priestess of the Sweetening Path, a pagan religion, and her taking out her deep hatred of the Bulbian faith on the Church many times, \"Archmage of Lost Sucrosi\", due to her incredible magical prowess, and \"The Sundae Sorceress\". Royals Who Actually Do Something: The majority of the cast are either royals themselves or retainers of the Candian royal family, who all have some experience or desire to engage in combat.
A ward of House Rocks under the command of his family in House Jawbreaker and the Count of Freezyburg. Archer Archetype: His primary weapon is a crossbow, and he fits the personality type by being somewhat aloof and reserved even before Preston's death hardens him into a revenge-driven Cold Sniper. A Boy and His X: Liam doesn't go anywhere without his adorable pet piglet Peppermint Preston. Break the Cutie: A sweet and easygoing kid who becomes devastated following a Trauma Conga Line of witnessing countless people, friend and foe, be brutally murdered, including his best friend and pet Preston the Pig. By Episode 6, he's gone from friendly and naive to swearing bloody vengeance against the the man who killed Preston. By Episode 12 he's become a ruthless and battle-hardened killer with absolutely no empathy for his enemies. This character shift is also represented in game mechanics by his switch from the Beast Master Conclave to the Gloom Stalker, since he no longer has an animal companion. Embarrassing Nickname: Referred to as \"Little Mint\" by his older brothers. Epic Fail: It's not uncommon to get slapped by a person you wish to flirt with. It's another thing entirely to have them challenge you to a Duel to the Death because your attempts at flirting are that badly worded. Expy: Of Theon Greyjoy. Heal the Cutie: After meaningful talks with Joren and Lapin, where he fully understands the implications and consequences of being a war guy and the changing, fleeting nature of life respectively, he tries to stop being this cold, ruthless killing machine he was becoming, and mellows out a bit right after that. With a brief relapse to save Theobald and take out some villains, he actually manages to go back to being a \"seed guy\", even reviving the recently deceased Pontifex and Keradin and settling down with Primsy. Hilariously Abusive Childhood: His older brothers used to bully him relentless, doing things like making him play stairs, a game where Liam had to be all the stairs. Spearia: Wow. Uh, I should be paying more attention to what's been going on, because that's... yeah, that's full abuse. Innocently Insensitive: He tries to be nice with Sir Morris and even to flirt with him by saying \"he could pack it in\". Sir Morris is so offended that he challenges him to a Duel to the Death to take place after the war. Innocent Innuendo: While practicing casual flirting with Cumulous, he asks him if he wants to \"get slammed down, big style\", repeating something all his parents used to say to each other and love. Everyone else here at the moment is shocked. It's Personal with the Dragon: Considers Sir Keradin to be his Arch-Enemy after the latter kills Peppermint Preston in the church massacre, and declares his intent to kill the Bulbian knight at every possible opportunity. He eventually realizes that his thirst for revenge is just perpetuating the Cycle Of Violence that plagues Calorum and backs off, but still makes a point of seeking out Keradin during the final battle. Mage Marksman: Arcane Archer variety, like Ruby. He fights with a crossbow, and also knows traditional Candian druid magic taught to him by his mother. Meaningful Name: His surname is a reference to Wilhelmina Peppermint brand of candy. Nature Hero: Liam is more comfortable within the forests of Candia than the confines of Castle Candy. Liam is also capable of the Druidcraft cantrip, making flowers bloom from the seeds he collects. Parental Neglect: In the one flashback we've seen of his home life before his move to Castle Candy, his childhood apparently wasn't great. While his father Duke Jawbreaker does gift him with Preston as a birthday present, he had to be reminded by Liam's mother that it was in fact his birthday. Not to mention Duke Jawbreaker blanked on his own son's name and immediately after confuses Liam's name with his new pig's. And his mother Spearia does love him but wasn't aware of the bullying Liam's brothers inflicted upon him until Liam himself points out he's been grossly neglected. Socially Awkward Hero: Liam cannot pick up on social cues to save his life, best exemplified at the feast before the Grand Tournament. It's so bad that he has to be coached by Annabelle Cheddar into how to have a proper conversation. Took a Level in Badass: Liam's Heroic BSoD in Episode 6 and subsequent switch to a Gloomstalker Ranger conveniently coincides with Ally hitting a long, multi-episode streak of truly insane combat rolls. By Episode 12 he is pretty much unanimously agreed to be the most stone-cold motherfucker in the party. Took A Level In Cynicism: Goes from a kind and idealistic kid to a jaded, spiteful, revenge-driven assassin after Peppermint Preston is killed. Used to Be a Sweet Kid: After they reunite, his mother laments that he's become so cold and cruel. White Sheep: Of House Jawbreaker. The Jawbreakers hate the Candian royal family for dishonoring them, and the primary reason Liam was adopted as a ward (read: kept as a political prisoner) by House Rocks is because he would be the least likely to assassinate King Amethar.
At the kingdom, Princess Bubblegum evacuated all of the Candy People to the main candy foyer, where she announces that they are all going to have a slumber party. She explains to Finn that if the Candy People find out about the zombies, they'll explode in fright (although they don't explode in later episodes when they become afraid). At the same time, Starchie searches for Princess Bubblegum in the Graveyard to give her a bigger corpse shovel, but he explodes upon seeing a Candy Zombie. Back at the Candy Kingdom, Bubblegum makes Finn royal promise not to tell anyone about the candy zombies, then gives him orders to keep the people distracted while she tries to finish the serum in her lab. Jake hears part of the discussion and begins asking what Princess Bubblegum and Finn were up to. In an attempt to keep the promise, Finn avoids answering Jake and tries playing Truth Or Dare, where Chocoberry dares Mr. Cupcake to take off his wrapper. Mr. Cupcake then asks Jake whether he prefers chocolate or fudge. Jake says he can't eat either because he is a dog, and if he eats either, he would probably die. But he says if he had to choose, he would choose neither fudge nor chocolate. Finally, Jake dares Finn to tell the truth about what's going on. 59ce067264