Animals Mating With Humans For Real - Part 3 (Mobile)
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DON JOHANSON:There's no doubt that the climate changed through time. At the end of the Ice Age,we had warmer spells, with the last of the glaciers melting away. The Neanderthalscontinued to live in the same caves and sites. But as the climate began to changeagain and a more continental climate resulted, the Neanderthals began to usewider and wider areas. At the same time, the climate was becoming more severeand the Neanderthals also began to develop this kind of art to help themcope with this kind of life. They built small devices to help them keep warm,and for shelter, they used the simple yet effective shelter of overhangs androck overhangs, things they could use to keep them safe in this harsherenvironment. We know from the bones of Neanderthals that they ate meat onoccasion, but there were many parts of the cave where they lived so long ago--places where the smell of meat is just not there anymore. So the Neanderthalswere forced to become much more reliant on plant foods, like roots and fruitsand berries.
DON JOHANSON:For the Neanderthals, the situation was different. They could see thatthis new people were stronger and more able to cope with the challengesof life. This new people were also more aggressive than the Neanderthals.These new humans were starting to kill the animals. And the Neanderthal,like the animal he was, was killed. But, it was through the suddenappearance of this new kind of people that the Neanderthal started todisappear. It's now thought that the Neanderthal eventually disappearedas a separate species, although the exact point at which they interbred withthe modern humans is still a matter of conjecture. It's clear though, thatour ancestors had been moving up from the south into Europe by at least40,000 years ago, and by around 30,000 years ago, the Neanderthals inEurope had disappeared, except for a few isolated groups.
DON JOHANSON:It's unlikely that these Neanderthals interbred with modern humans, butwe can't be sure. It's also possible that Neanderthals survived as nomore distinct group into the next ice age, as they have been suggested tohave done in a small area in southwest Asia, where there are someNeanderthal-like skulls. But, we think that during these changes in theEuropean climate, and the arrival of modern people, the Neanderthals,like all other animals, made way for a new species to take their place.
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