Cisco Packet Tracer Tutorial Step By Step Pdf
ASA5505(config)# ip nat outside source static tcp 80 inside 80ASA5505(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 80 80ASA5505(config)# ip nat outside source static tcp 80 80ASA5505(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 80 80In the above situation the packets from will be forwarded to and the packets from will be forwarded to So you can use interface for this purposes, but it is not convenient because you have to configure the interface directly. In the router interface the packets will be forwarded to the interface without much difficulties.
Once you are satisfied with the configuration of your ASA, you can test all the functionalities of your product. If all works fine, then you can use it for production. Otherwise, you can continue with the next steps to configure AAA services, such as TACACS or RADIUS.
The 5510E is a dumb router in that it only forwards packets to the ISP on a specific interface. On the other hand, the 5520 is a fully featured router and it has a built-in firewall. It can be configured with these 3 network interfaces:
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