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Results are displayed as an average of each of the 3 individual surveys, in that order: Ping, Download Speed, Upload Speed. Colors will be shown for the last survey results, for example when there are 2 results for Ping, the top yellow (fast) will be displayed first and the bottom red (slow) will be displayed second.
Ping is a computer utility that checks the speed of the internet connection by pinging a network host on the internet. The host number you enter determines when the program will start pinging, which is a request for the host's file called 'Echo Request' (essentially it's a request for the host's IP address). The time it takes from the program executing the ping request until it receives the Echo Request back is the 'Round Trip Time'. This is usually 1~3ms, which is why it is so easy to see the result in the speedtest program.
A download speed test is how fast you download and upload data to a device such as your laptop, PC, mobile phone or Internet modem. This is done by sending a request to a host on the internet, and then obtaining the data back. Download speed tests are similar to a ping test, but with a very different objective.
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