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Theory predicts that PVDF-based composites are notched or sheared at the crack tip when the initial crack is propagated in the polymer, and the propagation is retarded in the polymer when the crack encounters a damage nucleation site [e.g., void (Moffitt et al.) or other phase (Moffitt et al.)]. The PVDF polymer, however, appears to be more durable than anticipated; a single microcrack will not propagate as long as expected in the polymer. Moffitt et al. also observed that the temperature of the PVDF polymer varied as the crack propagated. This finding suggests that crack branching was present at the crack tip, which is consistent with the observed micro-cracks on the outer surface of the backsheet (see Figure 1). It is believed that the branch formation is due to the formation of a highly ordered network of PVDF fibers at the crack tip, which can be induced by the presence of the void at the crack tip (termed a “pre-crack”) (Moffitt et al.). This highly ordered structure allows PVDF to serve as a bridge between voids at the crack tip, which then form a micro-crack network at the backsheet surface. This theory is supported by the fact that the highly ordered structure forms at the crack tip at a higher temperature, which indicates that the crack tip has a higher energy content than the surrounding crack tip, which has a more disordered structure (Moffitt et al.).
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