The nobles deck is how you get the best diamond car and buyers will be paying massive amounts of WoTLK Gold for this. Therefore, even a single deck will fetch a lot of gold. If you've got lady luck to your advantage and you can cast a few high-value cards at once then you'll definitely be rolling in it. If you're patient, and you try to trade some cards with other players to make the deck, you're likely to be sorted on gold for a good amount of time.
Engineering hasn't been a profession that has been praised for its potential for gold and its fairness in Wrath of the Lich King. It's the same for engineering. There are many methods of making gold this isn't likely to be the most effective. Actually, I'd most likely say it's near, but not even the worstof all, getting exalted with any of Alliance Vanguard or horde expedition to have the mount in the Macondo Hog for either the Horde or the chopper of the alliance may be off.
However, as you can see that the mats are so weighty that it's very difficult to make and sell. able to make and sell it . It doesn't fit in with the normal and stable gold earnings we're searching to receive from all professions. Instead, we'll be looking at items like the Sapper charge which don't require much in terms of mats. In reality, most, if not all engineers will use these in raids . And you're hoping that they're not too inefficient or lack access to mining equipment to create these themselves. They'll buy yours off Auction House. Auction House.
Same goes for saronite bombs, which you can make massive quantities of by creating bombs in boxes and selling them on Auction House. Auction House. Also, you can make arrows and ammo which hunters will purchase frequently from auction houses, the amount of gold you'll be able to buy WoTLK Classic Gold make will not be massive, but it must be consistent. If you're hunting you'll be looking at options like Heartseeker scopes.