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New York Works for Children is a statewide system of integrated professional development for early childhood and school-age professionals. New York Works for Children offers professional development opportunities that meet the needs of early childhood and school-age professionals working with young children, their families and the general public. Programs are available to individuals who are currently working in early childhood and school-age settings, and to those who are in school to earn a teaching credential and are interested in pursuing work in early childhood and school-age settings. Programs are offered in many settings throughout the state, including daycares, preschools, elementary schools, secondary schools and other programs.
The Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC) is a national membership organization of early childhood educators, researchers and other professionals dedicated to helping all young children develop and thrive.
The Council of Early Childhood Special Education is a statewide coalition of leaders and providers in the field of early childhood and special education. Its members include professional, governmental and consumer leaders in early childhood special education and the development of high quality early childhood and school-age special education programs for children with disabilities. The Council works to address the needs of children and youth who have disabilities and their families. It works with stakeholders in the fields of early childhood, secondary school and special education to advocate for quality early childhood and school-age special education programs for all children with disabilities and for all children and youth. The Council leads efforts to ensure that children with disabilities receive the services they need and that the quality of life they live is enhanced.
The Early Childhood Council of New York State is a statewide coalition of leaders in the field of early childhood and school-age education. Our members represent diverse stakeholder groups, including consumers, community leaders, educators, governmental decision-makers, industry, parents and providers. The Council's members include professional, governmental and consumer leaders in early childhood and school-age education to advocate for positive change and to ensure that young children and youth of all backgrounds and abilities receive the support and opportunities they deserve. This includes advocating for quality early childhood and school-age education and services for all children and youth. The Council's strategies are informed by research and the recommendations of state and national bodies. The Council's members work together to build a culture of evidence-based practice, to work with policymakers to promote systemic change and to foster a healthy economy for the early childhood and school-age workforce.
(laughs). One of the things that happens a lot is when we talk about the sound of the film, people hear these sounds, and they’re like, Oh, they haven’t put that in the film. There’s this whole thing about being able to interpret an environment. I mean, the fact that you hear it—you know, I had some of my parents come down to the screening, and they’re like, Oh, they didn’t put that in there. I think that’s interesting, that you hear it and you think, Oh, yeah, they haven’t put that in there. 827ec27edc