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The new CSS3 media query features are nice, but it appears that they are still in their infancy. For example, the page's background is the CSS3 background-size property that gives the page a background image. However, the background image is simply repeated over and over. Of course, the CSS3 media query features are still quite new, but they are a step in the right direction. It is interesting to note that the CSS3 media query features are not yet supported in Internet Explorer 8 and below, but that does not seem like it will be too much of a problem since the Internet Explorer 9 preview is available for download and should be a great improvement over the current version.
The MATLAB environment is based on the MathWorks MATLABĀ® Compiler, or MMC, which is a proprietary language developed by MathWorks to facilitate the building of applications. MMC understands the MATLAB language and various task APIs and provides efficient intermediate language compilers for compiling functions and scripts.
The MATLABĀ® Engine is the core of the MATLAB product. It compiles, executes, and interprets MATLAB scripts and programs, as well as runs the M-files and M-links created by the MMC. It also allows the exchange of data between MATLAB applications, the MathWorks M-files and M-links, and other programming languages, including C, C++, and Visual Basic. 827ec27edc