Scp Containment Breach Access Codes _TOP_
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The conversation is actually between Dr. Maynard and Agent Skinner, who is cryptically telling Dr. Maynard that he has released SCP-106 from containment and that Maynard should proceed with the rest of the plan. This can be backed up by the fact that the timestamps coincide with SCP-106's breach before the game, at 09:21 hours.
In order to get through the Heavy Containment's checkpoint, SCP-008 must be recontained by closing the gas canister inside its containment chamber. Once it is recontained the lockdown on the zone will be lifted, granting access to the Entrance Zone.
SCP-035's containment chamber is comprised of four rooms. The room to the right requires a level 5 keycard to access. It is a control room containing some filing cabinets, tables, and a control panel with two levers: one controlling the door to the small chamber in which SCP-035 is kept and one controlling the gas valves that will flood said chamber. A document can be found on top of one of the tables.
To enter SCP-079's containment chamber, the player requires a level 4 keycard to access it. The blast door will not fully open due to SCP-079 keeping it shut. The player will need to disable the remote door control system inside the electrical room in order to enter the chamber.
To the player's right is a door with a DNA scanner that leads to an observation room consisting of windows overlooking SCP-079's main chamber, a control panel, and a monitor. The monitor in this room will show a conversation between an unknown client and SCP-079, revealing that someone had intentionally let SCP-079 breach containment.
SCP-106's containment chamber requires a level 4 keycard to be accessed. Inside the room is a catwalk overseeing SCP-106's chamber itself. The catwalk leads to a flight of stairs heading down to a control room. The control room contains a monitor with two switches and a button. A level 5 keycard, Dr. Allok's note, and a document about the recall protocol, the main purpose of this chamber, can be found on a desk.
SCP-513's containment chamber requires a level 2 keycard to be accessed. It contains two rooms: one with a shelf that has SCP-513's document on it, and another which has a large hole in it, leading to a corner variant metal corridor. Inside the chamber is a pedestal that has SCP-513 on it. The room also contains a blood-stained note and a security camera.
"Attention all personnel," the operator said over the PA, barely audible behind the ear-splitting alarm. "A Keter-class anomaly is confirmed to have breached containment. The site is entering lockdown."
SCP-101 has been programmed to communicate using the built in microphone. To speak, SCP-101-DE-1 utilises voices from a Text-To-Speech-Program, allowing SCP-101-DE to freely choose any of the voices included in the program. While contained by the German-speaking branch of the Foundation, SCP-101-DE has communicated using both male and female voices. In several interviews, SCP-101-DE claimed to mean the Foundation no harm. When questioned as to why it projects images into the minds of others, it answered that this was only for self-defence. SCP-101-DE reacts to several questions by stating that access has been denied, accompanied by a warning sign featuring an exclamation mark. Prior to the containment of SCP-101-DE, it had internet access, enabling it to collect information from many public and a few private websites, as well as download software and communicate with people. 2b1af7f3a8